Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Listen Up, Teacher!
By Henry Himmlor
Counsel on Education to the State of California

There is a nation that loves the world enough to sacrifice its sons and daughters for its sake. That nation is us--the USA. The problem is, there are in the USA elements who want to interfere with our sacrifice and prevent it from being completed—and these elements are teachers. You must not become one of the teachers who are trying to betray our nation.
Global unity is necessary for mankind. The kind of global unity that is needed is called “free-market democracy,” or FMD. The USA is the only nation strong enough to bring FMD to all peoples of the world and thereby usher in the New Golden Age. To do this job we need large numbers of cooperating citizens, both in business and in the military. These citizens must be disciplined, they must be ruthless, and above all they must be properly motivated. It will require an iron fist to unify this divided planet. There can be no room for dissent. All US citizens must act as one to succeed in this difficult task.
To grow into the right kind of worker or soldier, our youth need the right kind of education, and that is why we have things organized the way we do right now. Yes, we must instill into them the fear of failure. Our students, regrettably, must shoulder the heavy burden of world liberation and have no right to self-fulfillment at this time. Only after the great task is done can we allow our children the luxury of self-exploration and development--a privilege that everyone will enjoy in the Golden Age. But until the goal of world FMD becomes a reality, our children must endure certain limitations in their education. The plan must go forward without interference.
Therefore, be on your guard against subversive education groups like the American Writing Project and the Personal Creed Project. So called progressive educators like Jonathan Lovell, Laura Brown, and John Creger are out to change the educational system. They are out to fill our youth with ideas that will spoil them for the war effort. They will tell you that our youth are “de-personalized,” as if that is a bad thing. Yes, it is bad, but a necessary evil. Our youth must be made somewhat numb, somewhat de-personalized, somewhat demoralized if they are to carry out the violent acts that they must perform in the name of world peace. Only if their souls are made hollow will the military seem like a wonderful harbor for their aspirations, or money the only worthwhile end.
Do we understand each other, teacher? Remember, under the Homeland Security Patriot Act all teachers will be under intense scrutiny. If you are not with us, then you are against us. You do not want to be against us. So do the right thing—teach the State mandated standards if you must (but don’t make them interesting) and don’t raise your voice. Blend in quietly, and prepare the children for the fight. Doing this, you fulfill your part in our glorious national destiny.


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